Windsor 05/08/07

It has been a busy weekend for some of Varaderos Team members. Starting from Friday when RiderAnia together with RiderPrca has decided to go to Richmond Park. It didn't start well for RiderAnia as it was her first ride in London ever. After few swearing words on London traffic she finally got the rythm and followed RiderPrca. It was tough for her but on the way back something has clicked and she rode like torpedo right behind RiderPrca. Saturday morning, RiderPrca has given a great performance in the spinning studio where he thought his weekly session. RiderAnia has decided to join him for the first time in a while, but at the end did not know what was better to work or do spinning with Mr Prca :-). RiderPrca has planned a Sunday journey for RiderAnia, RiderVilos and himself. Sunday 8am the team met in the hall, with bikes, snacks, all set and ready for the ride. Varadero cycled in line like three duckies to Richmond Park where they had their first official stop.

After short break the mentor has decided to take the way to Windsor whitch was 52km long. We sat on the bikes and headed to Windsor. It couldn't all be good, of course something had to happen. RiderPrca got a flat wheel just a few miles from the Park. After succesful repair we were back on track. We rode few roads and bushes, along the rivers and traffic jams till we got to road house where we decided to stop for lunch. RiderPrca and RiderVilos went to order a food. Behind the bar was a man, indian look, called JJ who suddenly asked where they are from. "Itally" he asked. RiderPrca smiled and said "no from Czeck Republic" where as JJ said "Olomuk, Olomuk". Varadero couldnt belived that a man from India can know Olomouc?. After a while we found out that his son is studing to became a doctor in Olomouc University and JJ has been there and visited the city. In the end we got picture taken with JJ whitch you can see on the blog.

After lunch we headed for last 4miles to Windsor. The wheather was magnificant, warm and lovely.Varadero rode along Windsor Churchil Residence and stoped for rest in one of the city parks.
Although succesful journey
RiderAnia has confused to ride her bike back to London and took a train to Richmond whereas RiderPrca and RiderVilos rode all the way back. RiderAnia has got to Richmond and rode the busy roads all alone for the first time where she met the rest of the group. RiderVilos and RiderAnia were exhausted after the ride where as for RiderPrca it was a day like any other days, maybe even one of his easiest sundays rides.
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